News & Events
New York Fashion Week 2021 (12 - 13 February)
New York Fashion Week is approaching rapidly and this year is set to be as exciting as previous years.
While there may be variations on a theme due COVID restrictions and limitations there is still an exciting array of designs and collections to be exposed to the eagerly waiting world.
There will be new and exciting designs and fashion garments and products from the well renowned designers, but there is also a new breed of talent coming to the party as well, like Kenneth Ize, Piece of White, LVIR, Harris Reed and Rokh to name a few.
It’s like the isolation restrictions placed on all of us including the designer set has caused an incubation process from a design point of view.
The Stay At Home Edit
Date night at home - more important than ever. Guest writer Karen Smith explains why we need to make extra effort to ensure our redefined dinner dates are planned and noteworthy
If you and your live-in partner are working from home because of the pandemic, chances are you’re both schlepping around the house in your slippers and comfiest (which is code for ‘daggiest’) gear. And why not? It’s freedom, right? And so easy to quickly pull on an office jacket and slick on lip gloss, brush hair and you’re good to go for that daily Zoom catchup with head office, while still in pyjamas from the waist down.
But paradoxically, it’s become even more important to switch off from all of that ease.
Why not turn your living room into your cocktail lounge and dress for the occasion. Yes, even though you’re at home, actually dress up with heels and makeup, or a casual jacket for the guys. Turn off the overhead lights, set up some moody lighting, bring out your prettiest glassware to make cocktails. And the music will be perfect because it will be your own Spotify playlist compiled specifically for your date night at home.
Do you do “at home” date nights?
Her Style is a combination of warm relaxed tones with a hint of sheen in our selected garment to accent her flowing, glamorous yet relaxed theme.
Coupled with our HALo jewellery selection in a warm rose gold and lots of multifaceted zircons for sparkle.
Her beauty regime is accented by a selection of RAW BEAUTY Finishing Veil Powder in a warm, muted Airbushed Finish for subtle beauty tones with a veil of minerals that lock makeup in place and give your skin airbrushed perfection.
Her home dinner date style is completed with elegant open toe sandles' with a slight heel and satin rose gold tones.
Style for Her..
Accessories for Her..
Accessories for Him..
Style for Him..
His Style is dark masculine tones to add a hint of designer style and relaxed formality to his dinner outfit.
His PHUTURE polo shirt has just a hint of detail in the carbon fiber knit fabric and a relaxed collar in case he decides to really impress and throw on a blazer.
65McMlxv premium denim dark wash jeans work perfectly with his outfit with their slightly fuller cut.
Add a simple yet unique MAKAU hook wrap bracelet to show her you have individual yet masculine taste that still exudes style!
Keeping his dinner style chic, yet relaxed, we finish of his style selection with a crisp black and white pair of FEAR0 sneakers so that he doesn't create too much foot noise when he asks you up for a dance in the cocktail-lounge room...
The Team at éanè Clothing
The Work At Home Edit
The new eCommerce "Day-Trader"
We tend to think a lot about what is the new work environment and how does it assimilate within our home landscape. But more importantly, we need to ask ourselves what is the new work realm?
Is working from home another fad or phase in society’s passion for niche success?
Like the fads from previous decades, and due to our self-enforcement along with authoritarian enforcement by government departments, is eCommerce this decades’ new hope of financial independence?
In pursuit of the power-suit-less work dress code and, like the freewheeling, t-shirt clad day-traders of a bygone stock market boom, eCommerce traders seem to be the new gold rush pioneers. Building their virtual retail icons in hope that they, the consumer masses, will come with their cards of hope, MasterCard, Visa, American Express.
And like the bygone gold rushes of stock market traders, real estate aficionados, renovation experts, small-time developers, bitcoin pioneers and small business owners who all had their glorious overnight success stories, coupled with equally inglorious hard-luck fallout survivors.
Are we on the well-trodden, aligned with the converted masses, road to the same outcome?
// In pursuit of the power-suit-less work dress code and, like the freewheeling, t-shirt clad day-traders of a bygone stock market boom, eCommerce traders seem to be the new gold rush pioneers. //
With its SEO, SERP, website platform and backlink marketeers urging us on and patting us on the back with one hand whilst with the other hand out, offering pre-paid advice and monthly subscriptions for their share of helping you along your pilgrimage to eCommerce Xanadu. And, along the way, should you start to stray, your harsh but fair friend Google will be right there beside you to ensure you maintain your website standards and keep your keywords from being blandly offensive to the great all-seeing search engines and their tireless web crawlers.
The "web purists" are out there too, assessing if you're a Wixer, Squarespacer or a more code aligned WordPresser as though your intellectuallism is reflected through your platform of choice.
Like the long-forgotten day traders who tired of the constant candle and graph watching until late in the night only to rise early in case something gapped or an unexpected CEO announcement was issued before breakfast, will the eCommercer fall by the wayside due to constant upkeep of their eStore (akin to living above your shop in the old retail days).
Or will consumers relish the thought of post lockdown freedom and bricks and mortar shopping again with its personalised service by a real human and your friend, actually with you and not on a screen when you have your moment of indulgence (it’s more fun with two!).
What will be the next patch of light that the niche masses clamour to then?